2025/03/18 - CCP4/EM course in Nove hrady, 18th - 20th March 2025
2024/06/28 - Smn1 paper accepted in FEBS Journal
2024/06/23 - 11th place for Tereza!
2024/06/03 - 11th European Conference on Residual Stresses
2024/05/03 - Tereza succeeded with her High-School Scientific Activity report.
2024/04/10 - Rozhovory organized by CTU.
2024/03/26 - SOČ submitted by Tereza.
2024/02/29 - Success in table tennis tournament.
2023/11/23 - PAIREF at CCP4SW.
2023/07/10 - SmTetX published.
2023/06/16 - Anisotropic paired refinement published.
2023/04/20 - Refinement of DNA segments published.
2023/04/20 - CCP4 paper accepted.
2023/04/17 - Teaching script published - UFPL.
2023/03/23 - XIX Discussions.
2023/01/12 - PAIREF in CCP4i2.
2023/01/05 - PAIREF @ CCP4SW Lunchtime Bytes.
2022/12/02 - Martin defended his thesis.
2022/09/30 - Paper published!
2022/09/22 - Participation in 24th HEC Meeting.
2022/09/14 - Participation in SSCSSPM-11.
2022/09/09 - Scientific reports defended.
2022/09/01 - New Website Launched.