Seznam publikací
V. Potoček , V. Zatloukal.
Quantum occupation time .
Physica Scripta 98 , 014003 (2022), doi: 10.1088/ 1402-4896/ aca567
V. Potoček .
Projection Theorem for Discrete-Time Quantum Walks .
EPTCS 315 , pp. 48–58 (2020), doi: 10.4204/ EPTCS.315.5
L. Lorz, E. Meyer-Scott, T. Nitsche, V. Potoček , A. Gábris, S. Barkhofen, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn.
Photonic quantum walks with four-dimensional coins .
Phys. Rev. Research 1 , 033036 (2019), doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevResearch.1.033036
T. Nitsche, S. Barkhofen, R. Kruse, L. Sansoni, M. Štefaňák, A. Gábris, V. Potoček , T. Kiss, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn.
Probing Measurement-Induced Effects in Quantum Walks via Recurrence .
Science Advances 4 , eaar6444 (2018), doi: 10.1126/ sciadv.aar6444
Yu Wang, V. Potoček , S.M. Barnett, Xue Feng.
Programmable holographic technique for implementing unitary and nonunitary transformations .
Phys. Rev. A 95 , 033827 (2017) ★ Editor's Suggestion, doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevA.95.033827
V. Potoček , S.M. Barnett.
Generalized ray optics and orbital angular momentum carrying beams .
New J. Phys. 17 , 103034 (2015), doi: 10.1088/ 1367-2630/ 17/ 10/ 103034
V. Potoček , F.M. Miatto, M. Mirhosseini, O.S. Magaña-Loaiza, A.C. Liapis, D.K.L. Oi, R.W. Boyd, J. Jeffers.
Quantum Hilbert Hotel .
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 , 160505 (2015) ★ Featured in Physics, doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevLett.115.160505
V. Potoček , G. Ferenczi.
Which-way information in a nested Mach-Zehnder interferometer .
Phys. Rev. A 92 , 023829 (2015), doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevA.92.023829
V. Potoček , S.M. Barnett.
On the exponential form of the displacement operator for different systems .
Physica Scripta 90 , 065208 (2015), doi: 10.1088/ 0031-8949/ 90/ 6/ 065208
D. Giovannini, J. Romero, V. Potoček , G. Ferenczi, F. Speirits, S.M. Barnett, D. Faccio, M.J. Padgett.
Spatially structured photons that travel in free space slower than the speed of light .
Science 347 , pp. 857–860 (2015), doi: 10.1126/ science.aaa3035
G. Ferenczi, V. Potoček , S.M. Barnett.
Two-particle multi-mode interference .
J. Opt. 16 , 105710 (2014) ★ J. Opt. Highlights of 2014, doi: 10.1088/ 2040-8978/ 16/ 10/ 105710
D.K.L. Oi, V. Potoček , J. Jeffers.
Nondemolition Measurement of the Vacuum State or its Complement .
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 , 210504 (2013) ★ Editor's Suggestion, Featured in Physics, doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevLett.110.210504
V. Potoček .
Symmetries in discrete time quantum walks on Cayley graphs .
Preprint at arXiv:1211.0172 [quant-ph] '
V. Potoček , M. Štefaňák, A. Gábris, I. Jex.
Náhodné a kvantové procházky .
Čs. čas. pro fyziku 62 , pp. 91–95 (2012)
A. Schreiber, A. Gábris, P.P. Rohde, K. Laiho, M. Štefaňák, V. Potoček , C. Hamilton, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn.
A 2D Quantum Walk Simulation of Two-Particle Dynamics .
Science 336 , pp. 55–58 (2012), doi: 10.1126/ science.1218448
H. Lavička, V. Potoček , T. Kiss, E. Lutz, I. Jex.
Quantum walks with jumps .
Eur. Phys. J. D 64 , pp. 119–129 (2011), doi: 10.1140/ epjd/ e2011-20138-8
A. Schreiber, K.N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček , A. Gábris, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn.
Decoherence and disorder in quantum walks: From ballistic spread to localization .
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 , 180403 (2011), doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevLett.106.180403
A. Schreiber, K.N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček , A. Gábris, P. Mosley, E. Andersson, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn.
Photons Walking the Line: A Quantum Walk with Adjustable Coin Operations .
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 , 050502 (2010), doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevLett.104.050502
V. Potoček , A. Gábris, T. Kiss, I. Jex.
Optimized quantum random-walk search algorithms on the hypercube .
Phys. Rev. A 79 , 012325 (2009), doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevA.79.012325