Combinatorical and Algebraic Structures Seminar

Session details

Date: 25.10.2011
Speaker: Tomáš Hejda, FJFI, České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Title: Greedy and lazy representations of numbers in the negative golden ratio base
Abstract: We consider positional numeration systems with real base (both positive and negative) and study the extremal representations in these systems, called here the greedy and lazy representations. We focus on the base $-\beta$, where $\beta$ is the golden mean. We show, that the algorithm introduced by Ito and Sadahiro in 2009 produces neither minimal nor maximal $(-\beta)$-representation with respect to the alternate order and we give algorithms for determination of these extremal strings. We also show that both extremal representations, as well as the Ito-Sadahiro representation, can be obtained using the positive base $\beta^2$ and a non-integer alphabet.
Slides: 20111025.pdf

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