A Script for Automated Experimental Phasing Using Shelx C/D/E

General description - GUI - Presentations - Download - Help - Examples - Dependencies - References

General description:

SHELIXIR is a simple command-line tool with minimal software dependencies for a wide analysis of phasing information using the SHELX C/D/E software package. The script was written for quick and blind analysis of synchrotron datasets on site.

The script novelty is in:



SHELIXIR has own graphical user interface - SHELIXIR_GUI.



Talk about SHELIXIR: PDF
Tutorial with GUI: https://youtu.be/CZIziPv28hA
Command-line tutorial: https://youtu.be/dqi5_yLhWOc



Actual stable version of SHELIXIR (2.1) is to be downloaded here. To install SHELIXIR, simply download the file, make it executable (e.g. using "chmod +x") and put it to the system path.

Older versions of (ba)SHELiXir:



Usage: shelixir [params...]
	-prefix foo 			 Sets prefix as foo
	-output-dir path 		 Sets output directory (must be created before)
	-sad foo.hkl 			 Sets foo.hkl as a SAD dataset
	-nat foo.hkl 			 Sets foo.hkl as a native dataset
	-peak foo.hkl 			 Sets foo.hkl as a peak dataset
	-infl foo.hkl 			 Sets foo.hkl as an inflection dataset
	-hrem foo.hkl 			 Sets foo.hkl as a high remote dataset
	-lrem foo.hkl 			 Sets foo.hkl as a low remote dataset
	-before foo.hkl 		 Sets 'native' dataset for RIP phasing
	-after foo.hkl 			 Sets dataset collected after the radiation damage
	-sira foo.hkl 			 Sets SIRAS dataset
	-seq foo.seq 			 Sets sequence file in FASTA format
	-nproc N 			 Sets N parallel processes in ShelxE routine
	-sfac X 			 Sets heavy element
	-find N 			 Sets number of searched atoms
	-ntry N 			 Sets number of trials to search for substructure
	--cell [a] [b] [c] ...  	 Sets unit cell parameters: unit cell dimensions
	 ... [alpha]  [beta] [gamma] 		 ... and angles
	-wavelength X 			 Sets wavelength in Angstroms
	-res X Y 			 Sets the low and the high resolution for phasing
	-dsul N 			 Sets number disufides at lower resolution
	-mind "X Y" 			 Sets the parameters for MIND
	-dsca X 			 Sets the DSCA parameter for RIP or RIPAS
	-Epar "par1 par2 ..." 		 Sets the ShelxE parameters (DO NOT FORGET ""!)
	-bravais xX 			 Sets the Bravais-type (e.g. tP)
	-list "SG1 SG2 ..." 		 Sets list of space groups to be examined
	-solv x X s 			 Sets the minimal, maximal and with fraction steps
						(e.g. -solv 27 81 2)
	-solv_auto 			 Screens the sol. cont. from 20% to 80% with 5% step width
	-fix_low X 			 Sets the low resolution for the high-resolution screening
	-screen_high "X Y Z ..." 	 Sets the high resolution limits for screening
	-fix_high X 			 Sets the high resolution for the low-resolution screening
	-screen_low "X Y Z ..." 	 Sets the low resolution limits for screening
		 Most frequent ShelxE parameters:
		-h 		 heavy atoms are included in the native structure
		-hN 		 when the nummber N of heavy atoms is known
		-aN 		 runs N cycles of auto-tracing
		-q 		 explicit search for helices
		-s[x] 		 sets fraction of solvent content (e.g. -s0.45)
		-e 		 runs free lunch algorithm (e.g. -e1.2)
		-z 		 optimizes the heavy atom substructure before the density modif.
		-mN 		 N iterations of density modification per global cycle (e.g. -m5)
Bravais-types (according to the XDS notation):
aP: P1
mP: P2, P21
mC: C2
oP: P222, P2221, P21212, P212121
oC: C222, C2221
oF: F222
oI: I222, I212121
tP: P4, P41, P42, P43, P422, P4212, P4122, P41212, P4222, P42212, P4322, P43212
tI: I4, I41, I422, I4122
hP: P3, P31, P32, P312, P321, P3112, P3121, P3212, P3221,
    P6, P61, P65, P62, P64, P63, P622, P6122, P6522, P6222, P6422, P6322
hR: R3, R32
cP: P23, P213, P432, P4232, P4332, P4132
cF: F23, F432, F4132
cI: I23, I213, I432, I4132

	 -list "SG1 SG2 ..." 	 sets list of space groups to be used in automated phasing




Viscotoxin-A1 is distributed as an easy SAD tutorial with Shelx C/D/E.


Fibronectin is distributed as a difficult SAD tutorial with Shelx C/D/E.


Elastase is another tutorial for Shelx C/D/E.


P9 is Phenix tutorial. (link)


Original data that lead to phasing of olive flounder interferon gamma (PDB id 6F1E).


GerE is MAD tutorial for Shelx C/D/E.





P. Kolenko, J. Stransky, T. Koval, M. Maly, J. Dohnalek. (2021). SHELIXIR: automation of experimental phasing procedures using SHELXC/D/E. J. Appl. Cryst., 54, 996-1005.

P. Kolenko (2019), baSHELiXir: A Bash Script for Automated Experimental Phasing Using Shelx C/D/E. Chemicke listy, 113, 610-614.

I. Uson & G.M. Sheldrick (2018), "An introduction to experimental phasing of macromolecules illustrated by SHELX; new autotracing features" Acta Cryst. D74, 106-116 (Open Access) if SHELXE proves useful.
