I'm an Associate Professor at the math department of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of CTU in Prague. This webpage is devoted to my academical activities.
You can contact me
email: tusekmat(at)fjfi(dot)cvut(dot)cz
or personally in my
office: CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Dep. of Mathematics; Trojanova 13, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic;
the office no. 107/A;
phone no.: +420 778 545 594.
Professional interests
functional analysis: especially topics related to the quantum mechanics: self-adjoint extension methods, spectral analysis of (not necessarily) self-adjoint operators, scattering theory etc.
quantum mechanics: solvable models, singular potentials (point and $\delta$-shell interactions), effects of a non-trivial curvature and magnetic fields, Dirac operators
computer algebra systems: Wolfram Mathematica
2022 (doc.) habilitation at Czech Technical University in Prague: Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Habilitation Thesis: Quantum Hamiltonians with magnetic fields: effective dynamics and transport properties
September 2012-December 2012 postdoc at the Mittag-Leffler institute, Djursholm, Sweden
(the scientific program "Hamiltonians in Magnetic Fields")
May 2011-April 2012 postdoc at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Física, Santiago de Chile
(the Milenium Nucleus project of the Chilean Ministry of Planning/Ministry of Economy "Mathematical theory of quantum and classical magnetic systems")
2006-2009 (Ph.D.) Czech Technical University in Prague: Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
specialization: Mathematical Physics
Doctoral Thesis: Spectral Analysis of Two-Dimensional Quantum Models, defended in Prague, December 2009.
supervisor: prof. Pavel Šťovíček
supervising specialists: prof. Vladimir Geyler, prof. Pierre Duclos
2002-2006 (MSc.) Czech Technical University in Prague: Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
specialization: Mathematical Physics
Master's Thesis: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Quantum Models with Singular Potentials, defended in Prague, June 2006.
supervisor: prof. Pavel Šťovíček
If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
John von Neumann