// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #undef UNICODE #include "windows.h" #include #include using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { HANDLE h = CreateFile ("C:\\temp\\abc.txt", // lpFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // dwDesiredAccess, 0, // dwShareMode, NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes, CREATE_ALWAYS, // dwCreationDisposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL); // _In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int code = GetLastError (); cout << "Error code: " << code << endl; char * answer = "nic"; FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM /* | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS */, // DWORD dwFlags NULL, // LPCVOID lpSource, code , // DWORD dwMessageId, 0, // DWORD dwLanguageId, (LPTSTR) & answer, // LPTSTR lpBuffer, 0, // DWORD nSize, NULL // va_list* Arguments ); cout << "Error: " << answer << endl; // LocalFree (answer); } else { cout << "Otevreno" << endl; char * text = "Nejaky text"; int len = strlen (text); DWORD result; // cout << "size " << sizeof (text) << endl; // cout << "size " << sizeof (result) << endl; BOOL ok; ok = WriteFile (h, text, len, &result, NULL /* overlapped */); if (ok && result == len) cout << "Zapsano" << endl; SetFilePointer (h, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); char buf [1024]; ok = ReadFile (h, buf, sizeof (buf)-1, &result, NULL /* overlapped */); if (ok) buf [result] = 0; if (ok ) cout << "Precteno " << result << "..." << buf << endl; CloseHandle (h); } cout << "Stop" << endl; char s [2]; cin.getline (s, sizeof (s)); return 0; }