Combinatorical and Algebraic Structures Seminar

Session details

Date: 26.5.2006
Speaker: Christiane Frougny, LIAFA, Université Paris VII
Title: On a rational base number system
Abstract: (spoluautoři: S. Akiyama, J. Sakarovitch)
A new method for representing positive integers and real numbers in a rational base is considered. It amounts to computing the digits from right to left, least significant first. Every integer has a unique such expansion. The set of expansions of the integers is not a regular language but nevertheless addition can be performed by a letter-to-letter finite right transducer. Every real number has at least one such expansion and a countable infinite set of them have more than one. We explain how these expansions can be approximated and characterize the expansions of reals that have two expansions.

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