Combinatorical and Algebraic Structures Seminar

Session details

Date: 11.3.2008
Speaker: Jan Starý,
Title: Witnesses of Non-homogeneity
Abstract: A topological space is homogeneous if every two points can be swapped by an auto-homeomorphism. Among the spaces which are {\bf not} homogeneous, the Boolean spaces, ie totally (extremally) disconnected compacts play a prominent role; these are categorical duals of (complete) Boolean algebras. While extremally disconnected compacts (EDCs) are known to be non-homo\-geneous, standard ZFC proofs don't necessarily give a topological insight into why; the basic proof is a cardinality argument: there are not enough homeomorphisms. A natural question then is to find "witnesses of nonhomogeneity" - pairs of peculiar points that cannot be swapped. Via Stone duality, this is also a search for interesting ultrafilters.

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